President — Stanford Polymer Collective (SPC), 2020-2022

SPC is the academic, industry, and social hub of polymer researchers at Stanford University. It has more than 300 active members, including undergrads, grad students, postdocs, research scientists, and professors.

 As the president of the SPC, I led a team of 10 officers. During my time as SPC President, we invited 6 academic speakers for seminars, hosted 6 industry visits or tech talks,  organized 24 lunch-and-learns, 6 happy hours, and 6 outreach events, 2 poster sessions, adding up to 50 events total.

Other than managing officers that organize the events, I’m also responsible for raising funds, and the annual funding of SPC increased from ~ 3,000$ to ~ 9,000$.

Student Leader — Stanford Global Energy Heroes Prize, 2021-2022

The flagship energy prize offered by Stanford Precourt Institute of Energy to highlight sustainability effort around the globe. We examined and interviewed over 50 energy-related start-ups and initiatives from all the continents except Antarctica.

Student Leader — Stanford Summer Student Energy Lectures, 2019

12 Stanford junior researches presented their energy related researches.

Organizer — Stanford Matsci Colloquium, 2021-2022

weekely departmental colloquium with invited speakers

Secretary of State John Kerry visiting

Visiting Apple Park

Prof. Shu Yang visiting

Prof. Curtis Berlinguette visiting

Prof. Max Robb visiting

Tesla Tech Talk

Visiting BlackSheep Foods

Lunch-and-Learn talks